Friday, September 17, 2010

Rainy Days

Though the colors haven't quite started turning, fall is definitely on its way, as the misty mornings and rainy days have returned. And by the looks of it, my town isn't the only one that's been barraged by the rain in past weeks.The first two are my own photos, taken as part of an assignment last year. The next comes from the Photodiarist (, and with the rain flooding the streets as it is in this shot, it reminds me of my trip to Germany last summer when a flash rain/hailstorm just outside Muenich flooded the streets and the storefronts, forcing us to run barefoot through the rainy streets and seek refuge in a department store for a couple of hours. The fourth pic is from the Glamourai (, and the last is from What I Wore ( Enjoy these lovely photos of rainy days!

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