Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stampede Images

My parents, brothers, and I spent the last Monday through Thursday in Canada at the Calgary Stampede. It was absolutely the best time I've ever had. The whole experience was so cool! Below are some photos that I took while there.

{Rocky Mountains}

{Kids' Wild Pony Race}

{Tie-down Roping}

{Saddle Bronc Riding}

{Cutting Horse Show}

{Bull Riding}

{In the Chutes}

{Barrel Racing}

{First Nations Hoop Dancing}

{Sea of Cowboys}

{Pickup Men}

{Chuckwagon Races}

{Calgary Stampede}

1 comment:

  1. I came across your blog through Double H Photography. I love your header picture. I am so glad you got to experience the Stampede. I grew up in Alberta and spent many summers there showing cattle and attending all the events. I always loved the hoop dancers.
